It’s Annual Tune-Up Time for Humans

Cars are not the only vehicles that need an annual tune-up. The human body also deserves this care and attention! This is a way of telling the body “thank you” for the work it does all year. Lotus Stress Relief is now offering its Annual Tune-Up Time for Humans from March 1–April 21.
Using the LIFE System (quantum biofeedback device), a computerized system reads which parts of the body are the most tired and stressed, then delivers the correct flow of energy for tune-up renewal. It then checks what the body needs in regard to vitamins, minerals or hormones, it energetically provides them to the body. It also monitors emotions, mental stressors and buried traumas to not only releases them, but to neutralize and de-program these traumas as well.
Finally, the tune-up would not be complete without de-programming negativity, depression and anxiety which are replaced with positive thoughts, mood elevation and well-being! This is a way to treat yourself to a new lease on life. As long as you’re here for the ride on planet earth, you might as well feel rejuvenated about the trip!
Location: 2965 Bee Ridge Rd. For more information, call 941-927-5657. Mention Natural Awakenings and receive $25 off the price of this $110 tune-up.