September 2014 Publisher Letter
And this issue of Natural Awakenings celebrates that spirit. You’ll find plenty of seasonal articles to help transition from sweltering summer to more temperate fall, in many modalities. The articles are inspirational, intriguing, informative and just plain good reading.
We always try to present an even mix of local information through our news briefs and feature stories, as well as give our readers a more national and global perspective. We would love to hear from you. What would you like to see more (or less) of locally, and how do you feel about our editorial offerings?
This month’s feature stories run the gamut from kids to older folks. You’ll find tips on caring for those with Alzheimer’s and ways for careGIVERS to be cared for, as well. Child care is also addressed in an article by Traci Childress. Additionally, you’ll read about ways to make your bathrooms more ecofriendly, as well as the benefits of yoga.
We’re introducing a new monthly column – aptly named “Pet Perspectives” – on pet care, written by our editor, Suzi Harkola. A committed cat lover, she’ll also share information on natural care for all of our pets. Let us know if there’s something special you’d like to see addressed in this column.
As the seasons change, our exercise routine often changes, too. Learn from Lynda Basset the benefits of the different styles of yoga and how to choose the right one for your needs. And, of course, interesting and diverse food plays such an important part in putting the colors of our lives (much like the colors of the turning leaves up North) into our fall experience. Bushra Bajwa offers insight into vegetarian Indian cuisine in an article on conscious eating.
For teachers, or parents doing home schooling, Sandra Murphy offers “Better Alternatives to Classroom Pets.” We would suggest a trip to the Big Cat Habitat for an opportunity to meet lions and tigers (no bears!) up close. It’s a perfect venue for an art class, science class or just a way to expand students’ horizons.
September is a big month, and there are big stories in this issue. Enjoy the read, relish the fall weather, bask in the world that is yours in southwest Florida. Snowbirds will be coming back soon, so splurge a little and go out to dinner and enjoy one of our spectacular sunsets.Enjoy this issue. As always, we welcome your feedback.