About the Akashic Records
Sep 30, 2019 11:49AM ● By Janet LindsayThe Akashic Records are known as the “Book of Life in the Bible” by American prophet Edgar Cayce. They record the soul’s journey of past, present and future. An Akashic Records Reading consists of opening the records of the soul and asking that information be given. This will offer valuable guidance to move through the patterns in your current life to create opportunities for growth and support right now.
Akashic Records Readings are like accessing a library of information. The “reader” might stop and pause in order to collect and center the information that is provided by the guides and channeled through to you. You can change your future by accessing the information in the “Records” to gain wisdom for any situation.
Nine Facts about the Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are a living field of light.
The Akashic Records are the library of all that is or all that could be.
The Akashic Records are like a film library that allows instant access.
One can view the past along with probable futures.
All versions of the reality are available.
Generally, one views a single timeline for one person or group at a time.
Probable futures allow for informed decision-making.
The Akashic Records are located in an environment outside the 3D world we know.
Interest in the Akashic Records is fueled by a dispensation that allows access to this realm from within the 3D reality by Guides.
*Some material taken with permission from Maureen St. Germain, founder of the Akashic Records Guides International.
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