Acupuncture Reduces Stress, Both Now and Later Too
By Dr. Jenna Peterson
According to The American Institute of Stress, there are over 50 common signs and symptoms of stress, from discomforts as small as headaches and grinding teeth to issues as large as frequent colds and heart palpitations. While stress is something we cannot entirely avoid, learning how to handle stress is especially important to overall health and well-being.
A new study conducted by Ladan Eshkevari, the assistant program director of the nurse anesthesia program at Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies, found that stimulating certain body points with acupuncture can alter stress hormones. The body’s stress response is triggered by two main pathways—one is the HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis), in which these areas of the brain are activated to release peptides and proteins such as CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone).
These pathways launch the production of other hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine that increase the anxiety meter. Once these are activated, the system causes the heart to beat faster and senses to heighten. It also diverts the body’s energy from other operations, such as digestion, to prime and fuel the muscles into a state of readiness.
All of this is normal and necessary for protecting ourselves from potential threats. However, when stress becomes chronic and starts beating us down, it is no longer helpful and can become harmful. At this point, we could experience long-term symptoms such as memory impairment, depression, digestive problems, obesity, sleep problems and heart disease.
However, in Eshkevari’s study, it was found that when subjects were pre-treated with acupuncture, there was no spike in stress-associated hormones after they were exposed to chronic stress. In the stressed subjects who received acupuncture, stress hormone levels were similar to those in the control subjects who were not under chronic stress which suggests the ancient healing modality helps to normalize stress hormone levels. Here are some specific advantages to acupuncture as part of a consistent wellness regimen.
It doesn’t hurt. While some people are more needle sensitive than others, the main sensation that is experienced while receiving acupuncture is light pressure where the needle is placed. As the needle penetrates, you could feel an initial pinch, but usually not. Then, as the needle connects with the Qi, there is a small tug or push in that area—nothing traumatic or eventful through. It's common to fall asleep during treatment or relax into a peaceful meditative state, in fact.
The monthly cycle is no longer a “monster.” Do you (or your significant other) turn into the “before” version of yourself from the Snickers commercial during that time of month? Acupuncture is effective in tackling these hormonal issues. As the body and hormones regulate with acupuncture treatments, Chinese Herbal Medicine can be used to nourish, balance and strengthen the internal organs between treatments so you can banish the symptoms of PMS. Don’t be offended if your boyfriend calls to book you an appointment—accept the gesture and thank him later when you leave the office feeling renewed and invigorated.
It can cause a (legal) high. People who have experienced acupuncture can attest to this: You can feel high as a kite after receiving an acupuncture treatment. When you come in for a session, most of the time, you might feel stressed, angry, depressed or stagnant in some area of life. Acupuncture works on a meridian matrix that affects the central nervous system, so while you are receiving the treatment, endorphins are released which lull you into a state of calm. Once the treatment is over, most patients feel relaxed, content, and more equipped to tackle the obstacles handed to them.
This is another reason I love acupuncture—I could spend 60-90 minutes working on a massage patient, only to later find out their sense of relaxation disappeared when someone cut them off or honked at them in traffic. But research shows that acupuncture has a lasting and cumulative effect on our nervous systems, so the benefits will not immediately wear off.
Dr. Jenna Peterson, an adjunct faculty member at East West College of Natural Medicine since 2016, has been treating patients for over 25 years. She received her Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (MAOM) from AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine 2012. She specializes in the treatment of chronic pain, esoteric acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and nutrition. Dr. Jenna is passionate about partnering with her patients to help them achieve the results they want and need, whether that means improving their athletic performance, feeling and looking younger, or a complete “180-degree lifestyle makeover.”