Wellness: It’s Your Choice
by Fred Harvey, MD
A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that life expectancy increased from 2017 to 2018 which is the last complete data to be evaluated. It rose after a three year decline from suicide and opiate deaths. The lifespan for Americans is now 78.7 years on average. However, this is not the whole story.
The American Heart Association also released a report in January of this year. This Heart and Stroke Statistics 2020 update revealed that the health adjusted life expectancy, or healthspan, is only 66 years. That means there is a 13-year gap between living a full, abundant life and death. That is 13 years of suffering the ravages of chronic illnesses with debility that compromises the enjoyment of a healthy life.
A recent Harris Poll revealed that most people consider a long and healthy life important to them, and that everyone deserves the longest, healthiest life possible. However, like we see across many issues in society, there is an overt disconnection between desires and understanding of personal responsibility. Less than half of people surveyed believed their behaviors influence their health, and only one-third believe their environment inhibits (through support or distraction) them from making positive health decisions.
Numerous clinical studies show that we can positively affect health outcomes with lifestyle and nutritional interventions. For example, maintaining a high level of omega-3 fatty acids in our cells improves cardiovascular and brain health. Moreover, these levels in the body can be assessed with a simple blood test.
When the level of omega-3 is increased by more than 8%, the brain works optimally, and symptoms such as brain fog can lift for clearer thinking. Meditation or other mindfulness techniques have been shown to reduce adrenal stress, fatigue and anxiety. Chelation therapy is a cardiovascular rejuvenator that works better than stents to reduce cardiac disease and death. Exercise in the form of walking has been shown to reverse diabetes, reduce heart disease, eliminate depression, minimize breast cancer recurrence and improve cognitive function.
At the Harvey Center for Integrative Medicine, one of our team members named Ozlem Comer is a skilled practitioner who specializes in transformations. She uses a mindfulness technique called Heartmath to assist in her clients’ personal growth and healing. She is also a Functional Medicine Health Coach which enables her to implement life-changing and life-saving habits into her clients’ daily lives.
It takes a commitment on all of our parts to achieve the health that we desire. It does not come in a bottle or a box—it comes from within. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet, no panacea, for any of our ailments. I believe that access to quality health care should be a right, but health is not a guarantee or a right—it is an individual choice to make.
The Harvey Center for Integrative Medicine is located at 3982 Bee Ridge Rd., Suite J, Sarasota. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call 941-929-9355 or visit HarveyCenter.com.