Sarasota Center of Light Presents June Class Series
All religions of the Earth are man-made which means that God did not create any religion. So the question arises, is Metaphysical Spirituality a religion? Webster’s Dictionary defines religion as “a belief in and reverence for a supernatural power accepted as the creator and governor of the Universe.” Metaphysical Spirituality does meet Webster’s definition of a religion, but it goes much deeper than a belief in God.
Metaphysical Spirituality is a way of life that can be defined as a religion, philosophy and science. It encompasses all aspects of our existence and demonstrates a common sense explanation of how all aspects of life integrate into the whole of creation.
This month, the Sarasota Center of Light will present “The Beliefs of Metaphysical Spirituality” with Rev. Tom Newman on June 7 and 14, 7–8:30 p.m. This two-part class will outline the majority of beliefs that make up Metaphysical Spirituality, and it will be the first time these concepts have been taught at SCOL.
Everyone is welcome to join us. The fee per class evening is $20 payable to SCOL, and will be taught through Zoom. All registrations should be completed no later than 10:00 a.m. on the day of the class.
In addition, on June 20, our Associate Minister Mary Torrey will provide the talk, meditation and spirit messages as part of the Sunday service. Torrey is an International Medium who was formally trained at Arthur Findlay College in England and then furthered her training in the Netherlands. The Center’s Ministry Team will conduct the services in June to offer heartfelt spiritual guidance. There is always a possibility of surprise guests, teachers and talented musicians who are eager to see this Center thrive.
Our services will continue online, and new classes in a wide variety of disciplines will be held virtually in June. Please let us know how we can support you during this period of challenge. We will immediately email and Facebook any changes that occur.
We humbly and graciously ask for your support. Donations can be submitted on the donate page of our website, by calling the office or sending a check to the office. All contributions would be appreciated.
Mailing address: 2710 Browning St, Sarasota, 34237. Location: 852 S Tuttle Ave., Sarasota. For more information, call 941-953-6620 or email [email protected]. To register for the June class,