Sound Healing Journeys with Becca: Group and Private Sessions
Submerge yourself in sound through a guided mindfulness meditation, combined with a hint of yoga Nidra, to help ground and center yourself. The gentle sounds of Koshi and Kenari will play alongside powerful healing vibrations of crystal and Tibetan bowls. Dream-like sounds of bar chimes and crystal pyramids will play beside the healing heartbeat of the drum.
This is an eclectic sound experience, so allow yourself to just be in the moment, with nowhere to go and nothing to do. This is an hour to rest, unwind, dream, heal and rejuvenate because you deserve it. Private group sessions and events are available, as well as one-on-one healing sessions that combine Reiki, guided meditation and sound healing.
Wild Ginger Apothecary’s sound healing practitioner Becca has always been fascinated with alternative and complementary healing arts. In 2012, she became a Reiki practitioner and teacher, as well as an LMT shortly after that. She also has a passion for music and dance. She is a Certified Sound Healer through Meditate School of Mindfulness. She believes sound therapy is too amazing not to share with everyone.
To schedule a group class or one-on-one session, visit