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Natural Awakenings Sarasota / Manatee / Charlotte

Akashic Record Readings by Greg Martins

Nov 30, 2023 01:14PM ● By Janet Lindsay

As an intuitive, Greg Martins enjoys doing Akashic Record readings for others. The Akashic Records offer a non-physical energy connection to every event and life in history. Each person has a Soul (or Akashic) Record. Martins specializes in extraterrestrial connections consultations, but he has been successful in assisting with mainstream personal questions as well. Connected to the stars since childhood, one intuitive elder once told Martins that he is like an ambassador between worlds.  

Are you experiencing connections with extraterrestrials or UFOs in a waking state, dream state, or in past-life recall? Do you long to connect with your home star system and home world? Do you feel a connection to the stars and want to know why? Martins cannot guarantee answers to all these  questions, but he can surely help. He welcomes questions related to more general topics as well. A retired senior Aerospace Engineer from NASA in 2018, Martins has been involved in Native American spiritual ways since 1986, as well as dream work, healing energies and intuitive development since he was in high school.   

For more information and to schedule an intuitive reading, call 410-703-9256 and email [email protected]. 

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