Upcoming Workshops at the Sarasota Center of Light

The Sarasota Center of Light is excited to host “Messages from Spirit” on July 26, from 7–9 p.m. This workshop will be presented by UK-based mediums Philip Dykes and Kerry McLeod. It will cover topics such as how to tune into your own soul for answers to lifelong questions and how to gain access to your loved ones.
Dykes and McLeod will also share words of inspiration from the Spirit during this time. On July 31, from 7–9:30 p.m., both of these mediums will return to present a workshop on “Inspirational Writing and Speaking” as well.
Location: 852 S Tuttle Ave., Sarasota. Cost: $20 for the July 26 workshop, $30 for the July 31 workshop. For more information and to register for these workshops, call 941-953-6620 or visit https://www.sarasotacenteroflight.com/