Seasonal Synergy: Align with Nature for Optimal Wellness
Jun 30, 2024 11:32AM ● By Dr. Fred Harvey
humans, we innately understand that all of existence has a cycle of ebb and
flow. From day and night, to lunar and tidal phases, to seasons of nature and
life, this earth flows in a rhythmic cadence. Ancient traditions often spoke
about the wisdom of nature and the seasons, living by them to survive,
reproduce, and ultimately evolve.
In times past, overlooking the seasons meant perishing from starvation. But as civilizations flourished, humans found strategies to minimize those seasonal effects on our food supply. Agriculture enabled food surplus and storage for the off-season harvest.
Today, industrialized agriculture and food production have thoroughly severed us from these natural rhythms, with processed foods stripped of their nutrients and raised out of balance with nature. Food is now stored indefinitely on shelves, lacking the vital energy required to sustain healthy metabolic function. This disconnect manifests in the high rates of cancer, dementia, and vascular diseases in our population.
Balance and harmony are the goals of any foundational health plan for prevention and optimal wellness. Most ancient healing traditions use living food as medicine and prevention, respecting the abundance and scarcity of certain foods at different times of the year. Plants bloom and grow fruit in rhythm with the sun and the moon.
By matching our food consumption to the seasons, we align our bodies with natural planetary rhythms. We become synchronized by the movement of the Earth’s journey around the sun. This harmonizes the energy flow between our bodies’ cells and energy centers. When this flow is balanced, diseases are less likely to occur.
Biodynamic foods—sustainably grown in tandem with the local environment and seasons, often planted and harvested according to moon cycles—are not only delicious, but also more nutritious than conventional organic vegetables. They also have a higher energy content due to the live soil microbiome in which they grow.
Until more biodynamic foods are accessible, it is wise to support local farms, farmers markets, produce co-ops, and other sources of locally grown seasonal foods. Another way to incorporate vibrant, high-energy, fresh foods into your diet is by cultivating your own. Grow some herbs on your windowsill and infuse them into your meals. Get a tomato tower for the patio, or plant a fruit tree in the backyard—mangos and bananas grow quickly!
Each step you take to realign your own grazing patterns with seasonal availability can help to synchronize the body’s natural energies with the Earth’s energy. As we align more with the Earth, we gain the support of our natural healer: our Mother. After all, we are creatures of this beautiful, restorative planet.
Dr. Harvey is currently accepting patients at Functional Medicine Florida. Dr. Fred Harvey is the Medical Director of Functional Medicine Florida. He is quadruple board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Holistic-Integrative Medicine, specializing in chronic illness recovery and prevention, as well as defiant aging practices. For more information, call 941-929-9355 or visit