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Natural Awakenings Sarasota / Manatee / Charlotte

The Art of Alignment 

Sep 30, 2024 10:00AM ● By Dr. Fred Harvey 

Here in the United States, we have been told it’s our right to pursue happiness—this freedom is written in our Constitution. However, while it demonstrates a stroke of brilliance to include happiness as part of the equation for an enriching life, happiness can feel so elusive in these present times. Maybe this is because we do not spend enough time considering what happiness truly means and how to pursue it.  

We often chase after material wealth or status symbols that we think will lead to fulfillment, but in doing so, we lose sight of what actually matters. As such, we feel out of balance in all areas of life—from work and play, to business and family. Attempting to restore balance is important, but first we need to embrace alignment.  

Alignment refers to the desires and passions of our hearts. Do you even know what your own heart’s desire is? I believe all of us should ask ourselves this question. It’s the same question I posed to my children as they thought about their career paths. Notice the question is not, “What job do you want to perform?” or “What position and title do you seek?” These imply that doing and striving are the ultimate goals. Rather, the true road to happiness lies in pursuing what makes you feel an authentic, meaningful sense of joy.  

Joy is more sustainable than happiness—it’s a state of being, not a fleeting emotion. I believe a pursuit of joy is the answer to alignment. When we align with the desires of our hearts and the passions of our souls, we can access the fullest expression of ourselves. We can unlock the beauty of creation and the enrichment of being alive.  

This is what causes life to flow in a natural rhythm. We can dwell in joy and make choices to sustain it, no matter our circumstances. To find alignment, we first need to locate our center by spending time alone with ourselves without external distractions. Find a quiet spot with no one else around. Adjust the lights to your comfort level and turn on soothing instrumental music if you prefer soft ambient sounds. Then, listen to the voice within and align yourself to what it might communicate. Relax and breathe in the silence—even if only for five minutes—to find that still, small voice and become aligned with your soul’s passion.  

Dr. Harvey is currently accepting patients at Functional Medicine Florida. Dr. Fred Harvey is the Medical Director of Functional Medicine Florida. He is quadruple board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Holistic-Integrative Medicine, specializing in chronic illness recovery and prevention, as well as defiant aging practices. For more information, call 941-929-9355 or visit  


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