The Center for Spiritual Living Cultural Coast
The Center for Spiritual Living Cultural Coast (CSLCC) believes that spirituality is an action word—not a set of rules to follow, but something extraordinary to live out. Whether you seek a closer union with the Divine or want to experience a deeper sense of connection, CSLCC is the place to cultivate a spiritual journey.
CSLCC’s theme for this month focuses on Radical Interconnectivity, and the First Sunday Contemplative program will be held on February 2, at 11 a.m., featuring Kirtan with Cheryl Chaffee and Bhakti Bliss. Cheryl has been leading kirtan (sacred chant) across the globe since 2009. This group offers a unique style which invites the audiences into meaningful devotion and authentic expressions of joy.
Each Sunday, Rev. Theresa Fiebert shares a message accompanied by local musicians, and other hosts are slated throughout this month as well: Phil Leber on February 9, Emily Frost on February 16, and the Joyful Noise, CSLCC’s house band on February 23.
You can also take part in an interactive “Practical Peacebuilding Workshop: Identifying My Needs” on February 9, at 1 p.m., and the “Mind-Body-Spirit Recovery Group” each Friday evening. No matter how you choose to experience radical interconnectivity, this loving and inclusive spiritual community is here to welcome you.
For more information on these offerings, call 941-927-6212 or visit the “Events” page at