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Natural Awakenings Sarasota / Manatee / Charlotte

Eat Your Way to Wellness with an Organic Lifestyle

Feb 28, 2025 09:31AM ● By Dr. Fred Harvey 

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Over the past 200 years, dietary trends in the United States have shifted from whole foods to processed foods, then to ultra-processed foods. It’s interesting to note that beef consumption by calories per capita has not changed since about 1910. Over the past 40 to 50 years, Americans’ total caloric intake has increased from around 2,000 calories per day to about 2,500 calories per day.  

Most of that increase comes from fat and oil consumption. There has been a 70 percent increase in caloric intake of fats during this period of time. There has also been a 50 percent increase in calories from grains and about a 15 percent increase in calories from sugar and sweeteners. Beef consumption has increased just slightly over the past 100 years. Dairy consumption has shifted slightly downward, but it has been consistent for the past 50 years. Vegetable intake is stable, and there has been an increase in nut intake and fruit intake, but not by much. Egg consumption is also on a slight decline—and that's not due to this recent egg shortage from the bird flu.  

Documentation shows that soil nutrient density has been decreasing across the United States for decades. Much of this is due to conventional farming practices that destroy the microbiome of the soil, decreasing its ability to retain micronutrients. Biodynamic farming retains the most micronutrients because of the dense amount of loamy, composted material that comprise much of its topsoil.  

There is little difference between conventional farming and conventional organic farming, so it’s understandable that biodynamic farming would have the highest nutrient density. When you look at organic versus conventional food, there are no notable differences in the macronutrients.  

Possibly some of the conventional agriculture that uses high nitrate fertilizer can yield more protein macronutrient calories in that food. The difference in organic and biodynamic produce is due to micronutrients. These micronutrients are phytochemicals (the chemicals that a plant makes to run its metabolism).  

These include phenolics, which are chemicals that help with the biotransformation of toxins and other chemicals in our bodies to help improve our health. It’s also related to the total antioxidant content and specific flavonoid antioxidants like quercetin. Some nutrients like vitamin E and vitamin C also improve in organic produce. The other benefit to both organic and biodynamic produce is the absence of petrochemical herbicides and pesticides in your food and the environment. 

Although more studies need to be done, preliminary evidence shows that consuming an organic versus conventional food diet will decrease the risk of medical issues like high BMI (body mass index) and metabolic syndrome, which are associated with illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, or dementia.  

How can you incorporate organic eating habits? If you have a backyard, plant a garden to grow some of your own organic produce. Look to the Environmental Working Group for the “Dirty Dozen and Clean 15” to help guide you to the most important organic fruits and vegetables. Eating organic foods will remove toxins and provide optimal nutrients. Start your functional health journey with an organic lifestyle.  

Dr. Fred Harvey is quadruple board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Holistic-Integrative Medicine. He is the Medical Director of Functional Medicine Florida, where he specializes in chronic illness recovery and prevention, as well as defiant aging practices. For more information on Dr. Harvey and to schedule an appointment, call 941-929-9355 or visit   

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