Feb 01, 2019 12:26AM
Does your teenager seem unusually anxious, experience panic attacks, or avoid social situations? Then it’s possible they suffer from an anxi...
Watching a full season of a show you’re hooked on might seem enjoyable, but did you know that binge-watching can adversely affect your healt...
Energy healing is an interesting and powerful phenomenon. Since it can be done without touching the client, or even successfully from a dist...
February is the quintessential month of love, so it will come as no surprise that our theme for this issue of Natural Awakenings is on matte...
Jan 01, 2019 02:28AM
by Josh Zimmer, AP,DOM The kidneys belong to the winter. This is what the ancient Chinese believed, and the association makes sense....
by Dr. Martina Mallery Did you know that emotions and thought processes can impact your dental health? Our spiritual, mental and emo...
by Victoria Ackerman The Spirit University is welcoming the New Year with a week of frights and fun. “New Year, New Fear” is a five...
by Christina Captain, DAOM, MSAOM, MSHN, MA Lucky Dragon says: “Use the principles of Feng Shui to kick-start a new beginni...
by Christina Captain, DAOM, MSAOM, MSHN, MA What does it mean to keep the faith? In whom or what do we have faith in? George Michae...
by Juliette Jones When my father died in 1969, his younger brother Ike became a protector and ultimately a mentor. His life had been...
Natural Awakenings Sarasota/Manatee