Feng Shui for the Fall
by Christina Captain, DAOM, MSAOM, MSHN, MA
Lucky Dragon says:
“Use these tips to welcome the fall season!”
Fall is a time for expansion. New opportunities, career growth and relationships are all hallmarks of the season. Follow these helpful hints to enhance your own expansion, and exciting adventures are sure to present themselves.
Refresh the entrance to your home by replacing the doormat to welcome in new energies.
Open your windows to allow fresh air inside and invite positive energy into the space.
Tend to your garden and landscape, cut away dead branches and make room for new life.
Lower the lights in your space by replacing higher wattage bulbs with lower wattage. This will help you slow down and enjoy the simpler pleasures.
Rearrange your furniture to shift the energies in your most occupied spaces such the living room, kitchen and bedroom.
Keep yourself healthy by investing in a “whole body detox”. This preparation will enable you to enjoy all the holiday festivities with ease and grace.
Dr. Christina Captain is nationally board-certified by the National Commission for Certification in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is the lead practitioner at Sarasota Center for Acupuncture and Nutrition. Dr. Captain is also an expert Feng Shui practitioner and teacher who studied under Nancilee Wydra of the Feng Shui Institute of America, before originating her own style, Essential Balance Feng Shui. Since this discipline is a branch of Oriental Medicine, she often blends Feng Shui principles into her treatment plans. Her practice is located at 2650 Bahia Vista St., Suite 101, Sarasota. For more information, call 941-951-1119 or email [email protected].