It’s Time for Re-Alignment in the New Year: Q&A with Dr. Andrew Hall
by Mary-Elizabeth Schurrer
As we enter 2022 and continue to transition out of the global health crisis of these last two years, chances are, optimal wellness and quality of life are at the top of our New Year’s resolution lists. But as many of us know, health maintenance does not just mean dulling painful, uncomfortable symptoms or learning how to function in spite of these issues in the background.
True well-being is achieved when we’re able to find the root cause of pain and move beyond it into a life of real, vibrant, sustainable healing. That’s exactly the kind of treatment philosophy Dr. Andrew Hall, DC, subscribes to and practices on a daily basis. Just ask those who have experienced his unique approach to Chiropractic firsthand.
“Dr. Hall has an intuitive understanding of how to treat each patient’s needs. For this, I am grateful. I no longer have any recurring, debilitating headaches, thanks to his care. Working [with him], I look forward to more years of optimal health,” one patient notes.
Another confirms, “Dr. Hall saved my life. I had post-concussion syndrome, and for four years, I struggled with blurred vision, headaches, faintness, anxiety and depression. I saw three neurologists, three medical doctors and a psychiatrist. I had two MRIs done, along with blood work, and everything came back normal.
“I was put on seizure medication, antidepressants and pain killers. Most doctors told me there was no hope, and I would have these symptoms for the rest of my life. But Dr. Hall took 3D x-rays of my neck to discover the root of my symptoms. After I was put in alignment, my entire life started coming back to me, and today, I am blessed to be symptom-free and healthy again. Dr. Hall is a true healer who makes miracles happen in his office!”
So what is this modality that Dr. Hall performs with such effectiveness and precision? It’s called the Blair Upper Cervical Technique, and in this month’s Community Spotlight article, he was kind enough to share what it entails and how it can help all of us find wellness in 2022. On that note, I am thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Hall in the Q&A below.
Natural Awakenings: Can you summarize your educational and professional background in health care, as well as the branch of medicine that your practice focuses on?
Dr. Andrew Hall: I went to UC Davis for three years, then later finished my Bachelor of Science degree from Excelsior College, as well as a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Cleveland College in Los Angeles. I am certified to teach the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique, and I was the president of the Blair Upper Cervical Society from 2011 to 2020. I was also featured in the documentary “The Power of Upper Cervical,” produced by Storeyville. I practiced this technique in Los Angeles for 20 years where I treated over 12,000 cases before relocating to the Sarasota area.
NA: Will you describe the Blair Upper Cervical Technique—how this procedure works, the types of conditions it will treat, and the healing benefits it can provide?
Dr. Hall: The Blair Upper Cervical Technique uses a three-dimensional cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). This precise low-dose radiation imaging machine allows the practitioner to clearly view each joint of the upper cervical spine in order to correct spinal misalignments in the neck. These spinal misalignments usually result from trauma (car accidents, sports injuries, slip and falls, or other blunt type traumas).
Since misalignments occur at the joint level, CBCT allows the doctor to see each individual joint’s angle and direction of spinal misalignment. This, in turn, enables the doctor to custom tailor the correction for each patient’s unique joint anatomy and misalignment direction. The precision not only corrects the misalignment, but also holds the spine in its normal position, which improves central nervous system functioning, so the body can heal and repair itself. Here are the most common conditions we see in our office:
Meniere’s disease and vertigo
Chronic pain conditions
Post-concussion syndrome
Headaches and migraines
Depression and anxiety
TMJ and Eustachian tube dysfunction
Trigeminal, occipital and glossopharyngeal neuralgia
NA: What drew you to this particular modality in the first place? Do you have personal experience with using the Blair Upper Cervical Technique, and has it changed your state of wellness and overall quality of life for the better?
Dr. Hall: In 1991, I suffered a neck injury from a wrestling match. I heard a crunch in my neck upon impact, but in the immediate aftermath of this injury, I felt no pain and initially thought I averted disaster. But over the next two years, I spiraled into a series of chronic health problems such as constant headaches, nausea, energy loss, dizziness, vision blackouts, brain fog, sinus inflammation and pain at the base of my skull.
These physical issues caused my mental health to plummet as well. I dealt with anxiety, depression and insomnia. I began to fear that I had cancer, and in some of the lowest moments of this ordeal, I even had a thought of suicide. Fortunately, this scared me into action, so I consulted with a primary care doctor who ran an examination and, rather quickly, revealed to me that he didn’t know what was wrong. After this initial consultation, I saw several specialists, internal medicine practitioners, neurologists and even a psychiatrist. But none of these doctors were able to identify the root cause of my severe chronic pain.
After all of these attempts to mask the symptoms without addressing the issue at its source, I knew this conventional model of health care was not the answer. So I embarked on a quest not to feel better, but to get better. Finally, I was referred to a homeopath who asked me a question no one else had previously thought to—she inquired about my past trauma history, at which point, the neck injury from 1991 resurfaced. This homeopath advised I see a chiropractor named Dr. Tom Forest who practiced a unique modality in which the top vertebra of the neck is corrected with a gentle, specific form of realignment.
That was my first exposure to the Blair Upper Cervical Technique. As I soon learned from Dr. Forest, physical trauma can cause dysfunction and misalignment in the spine which interferes with the central nervous system and can manifest as chronic pain. The correction he then performed on me unlocked my own body’s inherent ability to heal itself and restore optimal functioning when no other modality worked. In short, the Blair Upper Cervical Technique has transformed my life, and I am passionate about sharing it with others.
NA: Are there any health and wellness strategies or action steps that you recommend to our Sarasota community as we enter this New Year in 2022?
Dr. Hall: The central nervous system controls and coordinates each cell's function in the body. If you experience a misalignment in the upper cervical spine from a prior injury, this will irritate and interfere with the body's optimal function. This dysfunction can manifest in any area of the body, then result in a plethora of health conditions.
Therefore, I recommend that every man, woman and child be screened for upper cervical spine misalignment, whether you’re sick or asymptomatic. This will ensure the most vital aspect of your health––the nervous system––is functioning as well as possible. The Blair Upper Cervical Technique is known for helping patients with chronic health challenges who have not experienced relief from other types of care. We pride ourselves on resolving these issues in patients who have nearly lost all hope in recovering.
Dr. Andrew Hall, DC, is the lead practitioner at Sarasota Upper Cervical Chiropractic. He has been performing the Blair Upper Cervical Technique since 2002, and his current practice is located at 3920 Bee Ridge Road, Building D, Suite 101, Sarasota. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call 855-745-1821, email [email protected] or visit
Mary-Elizabeth Schurrer is the Managing Editor of Natural Awakenings Sarasota–Manatee. She also works as a freelance writer, blogger and social media marketer. Her personal blog features tips for embracing an active, nutritious, balanced and empowered lifestyle.